1 rue Jean Jaurès 34530 Montagnac
1 rue Jean Jaurès 34530 Montagnac
We invite you to discover this interpretation space dedicated to the history of the vine and wine on the territory of the Hérault-Méditerranée Agglomeration Community.
Six historical sequences tell the evolution of production techniques, the constitution and organization of the estates, the crises and periods of expansion, the architecture..
Discover the media that tell this story over the centuries: an optical theatre, a digital book, a large interactive map, a wine tourism terminal.
Classified in category I, it is the holder of the brand Qualité Tourisme and the label Qualité Occitanie Sud de France.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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