Le Cellier des Princes

Cellier des Princes 84350 Courthézon
Cellier des Princes 84350 Courthézon
The cellar and its 116 cooperative winegrowers offer a wide range of appellations and prices for wines from the southern Rhône Valley: Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Gigondas, Vacqueyras, Cairanne, Rasteau, Côtes du Rhône & Villages, Indication Géographique Protégée Vaucluse and Méditerranée. They extend over 600 hectares of vineyards on the exceptional terroirs of Châteauneuf-du-Pape and surrounding communes (Sarrians, Courthézon, Orange...).

Cultivation methods are inspired by those of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, so most Côtes du Rhône are hand-picked for optimum quality.

You'll also find a wide selection of local beers, wines and spirits, gift boxes, personalized bottles, and a sweet and savoury delicatessen featuring many local products.

Cellar open 7/7.
- Guided tour
- Free tasting
- Art exhibition
- Wine and local produce area
- Various wine tourism activities throughout the year: hikes and bike rides in the vineyards, wine and food pairing evenings (Jeudis Gourmands du Cellier des Princes), Wine, Food & Music summer evening, cellar tours...

Groups welcome, easy access with ample bus parking.
Facilities for disabled guests.

Shop online! https://boutique.cellierdesprinces.com/
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