The Valence Museum

4 Place des Ormeaux 26000 Valence
4 Place des Ormeaux 26000 Valence
The Valence Museum includes:
A library of 10,000 works specialized in Art and Archeology as well as documentation and archives on the collections, the collection of which is networked with the collections of the media libraries of the agglomeration and with that of the École Supérieure d'Art and designed by Grenoble-Valence. A source of study for researchers, archaeologists and students, it also allows the public to prepare or extend their visit.
Educational workshops for welcoming young audiences. An orangery that has become a place of exchange and conviviality offering multiple activities. A historic garden, renovated relaxation area. A terrace between the cathedral and the Champ de Mars to accommodate sculptures. A belvedere with an exceptional point of view.
Temporary exhibition rooms of 400 m2 spread over two levels accessible by the museum or by a dedicated entrance. A 1,200 m2 outsourced collection conservation and study center associated with a state excavation depot. The works were kept there during the renovation. It will allow the museum to regularly renew its hangings, to perpetuate the policy of enrichment and restoration of
its collections but also to welcome researchers wishing to work on the museum's collections.
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