Loupy Park - Outdoor leisure park

59 Rue Etienne Perrot 38780 Pont-Évêque
59 Rue Etienne Perrot 38780 Pont-Évêque
Loupy Park is a playground, open from spring to late autumn, for all children from 0 to 12 years old and those accompanying them. Loupy Park offers a multitude of activities and a 360° view on your children. This makes it a perfect place for your children to have fun, totally safe, allowing you to have fun and relax as a family, in the open air and in peace.

At Loupy Park, you can enjoy a 7000m² wooded and enclosed area, sanitary facilities (including 1 PMR sanitary facility), a snacking area, deckchairs and picnic table with free access. No need to book in advance, payment is made on site, there is always room. Your entry fee entitles you to unlimited access and play time, all day, no paid activities inside.

Located less than 30 minutes south of Lyon, near Vienne, Loupy Park is close to road access. You can access it with your pushchair or your bike. A bike park is available inside the playground.
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