Respire Cycle & Café

310 grande rue 38510 Morestel
310 grande rue 38510 Morestel
Many services are offered in this atypical place where you can restore your bike as well as the cyclist.

The sales area offers a wide choice of carefully selected classic, electric and mountain bikes. Several brands are present: Rocky Mountain, Lombardo, Basso, Vasst, to satisfy the needs of all riders, from beginner to expert.

The repair area welcomes ViaRhôna touring customers for minute or more in-depth servicing. You can also entrust your bike to us for annual servicing.

The restaurant area lets you recharge your batteries with a drink or a sweet treat: tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cappuccino, fruit juices, organic lemonade, non-alcoholic beer, doughnuts, muffins.

Parking available in front of the store if you're on a bike.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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