Deltaride MTB

21, Route Nationale 113 13104 Arles
21, Route Nationale 113 13104 Arles
Would you like to take part in a sports outing combining heritage discovery and mountain biking/VAE? DeltaRide offers a day trip through the most beautiful routes of the Alpilles massif. You will discover the medieval city of Baux-de-Provence, the Lac des Peiroou in Saint Rémy de Provence, the Carrières de lumières and the Moulins de Fontvieille. Do not waste your time studying the best route, I will be your guide for a unique cycling experience! From advanced trai-ning to competitive performance, Delta Ride offers coaching services tailored to your needs with a qualified instruc-tor. Each session covers a maximum of topics in order to offer you the most complete driving course. Turns in hairpins, jumps, braking, speed conservation, trajectory studies, position on the bike, very technical passages, Delta Ride will allow you to overcome your apprehensions and progress on your VTT/VAE. Find out more about all my services on:
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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