Cottage "Les Petites Bottes"

636, Route de Massié 38490 Les Abrets en Dauphiné
636, Route de Massié 38490 Les Abrets en Dauphiné
Enjoy your stay in a typical, nature mood cotage, made from an antique Dauphinoise barn.
4 bedrooms for maximum 9 people capacity, restrooms, a kitchen space and a livingroom; treed outdoors in a relaxing and inspiring environment, with a large vue of Dent du chat and Chartreuse moutains. A unique "indoor/outdoor" concept, simple and authentic, inviting you to gather during a short, mid-short or long term stay, for a week-end or for holidays, or even for profesionnal events. We also offer specific activities to combine with you stay.

We pay maximum attention to sustainability and low impact print : energy and waste management, recycled fournitures, local partners, handcrafts...
Staying at "Les Petites Bottes" is a shared comitment to sustainability without leaving comfort and quality during your experience !
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